It was an ordinary evening. The sky was still bright when I went for my walk after supper as usual, but the sun plunges fast at the end of summer and it was quite dark when I started climbing the driveway for home. Past the trees, in the clearing above the bank, I was met with the sight of the bonfire and my family gathered around it, outlined in the reflection of the flames. The trees were black behind them and the sky velvety blue beyond that. It was an ordinary moment, but so beautiful.
It was an ordinary day in the life of the small business owner. The glancing at the bank accounts, the checking of bills due, the planning for proper cash flow. There were the hours of work, the posting on social media, the planning for upcoming products and launches. But on the other side of all that was the customer. The customer who had a problem solved. A customer who received something beautiful, something that made her complicated life a little simpler, a little easier. And her face lit up. It was an ordinary moment, but so beautiful.
Don’t wait for the extraordinary moments… the record breaking month, the awards, the publicity, to celebrate your business. Those aren’t where the beauty in your business truly lies. The beauty lies in the values that drive you and in the small everyday contributions you make to the lives of your customers. What makes your business beautiful?
I’m here to help you capture the beauty of your business in a visual way. Want to chat about customizing a painting? Feel free to message me or schedule a call.